Purpouse of the master and student's acquired skills
"The purpouse of the master is to give to the students the essential skills to efficently study the complex dynamics of a nonlinear system and to present their work in a paper or in a talk"
The skills that the master wants to transmit to the students are:
Basics skills
To possess and understand the knowledge that provide a basis and an opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of scientific research.
To know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or not well-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
To be able to integrate knowledge and to face the complexity of formulating judgments from information that, being incomplete or limited, include reflections on social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
To know how to communicate their conclusions, their knowledge and the ultimate conclusions that support them to specialized and non-specialized publics in a clear and unambiguous way.
To possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
General skills
To understand the nature of a complex system.
To be able to develop mathematical models of natural and social phenomena.
To understand the physical interactions that govern complex systems.
To know to develop and manage the tools required for the analysis of a scientific problem, through the development of a critical point of view and the rigor necessary to provide the opportune solutions to such problem.
To know the techniques, both intellectual and computational, necessary to confront the study and analysis of multicomponent complex systems.
To reach the knowledge of what constitutes a research project, its methods, development and presentation of results.
To make public presentations defending a research project and having sufficient exposure and critical capacities.
To perform research and group work, acquiring the necessary capabilities to interact with others.
To write research reports on the results of a specific investigation.
To get the appropriate techniques that allow you to be up to date in terms of scientific publications and know working rules of the publishing world.
Specific Skills
To know the basic fundaments of the methodology of the modeling of the physics of the complex systems
To learn computational and analytical techniques that allow the students to be able to model a problem of complex systems, like developing the computer program necessary for the resolution of problems of the nonlinear dynamics.
To apply the necessary tools to analyze specific situations of problems in biophysics, in biological modeling, in genetic networks or in models of neurons
To analyze control and synchronization problems that appear in a multitude of physical and biological problems or in complex systems in general
To study fractal structures that appear in many complex systems
To know the concepts, paradigms and applications of the methods of nonlinear dynamics to numerous scientific problems of interdisciplinary nature
To know a wide and historical panorama as well as the future projection on the science of complex systems
To distinguish and solve specific research problems in complex systems physics
To expose work in public in English on topics related to complex systems and interact with other students and researchers
To reach the ability to carry out a bibliographical research in specific professional journals in the subjects of physics of complex systems