The courses of the Master are taught by a group of experts in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems. Some of the teachers of the last years are listed below (click on the images to get more info).
Miguel Ángel Fernández Sanjuán
Miguel is the head of the Nonlinear Dynamics research group at URJC. Among others, he is Corresponding Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, section Physics and Chemistry, Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Member of the Academia Europaea and General Editor of the RSEF. During 2017, he was a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at the Institute for Physical Science and Technology in the University of Maryland (USA). He has supervised more than 20 PhD thesis.
Jesús Miguel Seoane Sepúlveda
Jesús is Professor at URJC, where he has been teaching Physics for more than 10 years. He has more than 40 research articles in the area of Nonlinear Dynamics. He is particularly interested in topics related to chaotic scattering, Hamiltonian dynamics and relativity, but also in the physics of cancer and other biophysical problems.
Alexandre Wagemakers
Alex is an Electrical Engineer from France. He is currently teaches physics courses to engineers at URJC. He is an expert in complex networks, delayed systems, chaotic communications and biological modelling. He has published more than 20 research articles and he has also recently published a textbook in electrical circuits.
Juan Sabuco
Juan studied Telecommunications Engineering in Elche. He developed part of his PhD at the University of Maryland collaborating with Prof. James Yorke, one of the pioneers of chaos theory. At the present moment, he is doing a post-doc in Oxford on agent-based models applied to economic problems. He is an expert in computation and control of chaotic systems.
Mattia studied Physics at the Universitá degli studi of Turin, in Italy. He got his PhD at URJC, and now he develops his teaching and research here. He is an expert in the control of chaotic systems and his research is now devoted to energy haversting in nonlinear devices, and resonance in oscillatory systems, among others.
Álvaro García López
Álvaro got his Physics degree in Salamanca. After studying fundamental physics at the University of Granada, he obtained his PhD at URJC, studying the physics of cancer. He is an expert in biological modelling, cellular automata and fluctuations in nonlinear dynamics.
Álvar Daza
Álvar studied Physics in Valladolid and then he got a Master in Biophysics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He developed his PhD at URJC about fractal structures and unpredictability in nonlinear dynamics. He collaborates with researchers from Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse in France and University of Sheffield in United Kingdom, with whom he applies fractal geometry to problems from cold atoms to black hole shadows.